This Thing is A Blog Believe It Or Not

Hai to all the people behind a screen reading this ;)
Copy Rights For My Banner Belong To * Pixie121 * So A Thank You To Her

Friday, 28 February 2014

VIP gone, Youtube and Zayn Malik added me!

Hey snowballs!

So yes, I haven't blogged for ages..  Sorry about dat, I am ILL and have HOMEWORK xx

I did actaully buy VIP for a week a couple of weeks ago, and now I have BLUE skin, dark blue like avatar :D

Also I did actaully get a YouTube, so if you search ' cupcake1000 ' some videos should come up by a channel name ' Lily star ' so yea xx I have two mailtimes up, a music vid , tutorials and stuff like that so it would be great if you could go check it out!!

P S gifts needed for mailtime :) Hint Hint xD

So what have you guys been up to?

I've been in google plus alot and Zayn Malik (The real one btw) actally added me to his circles for his following spree! Ty zayn xx

So im not sure what else I need to update bout...

Vas happening and bai snowys!!!


Sunday, 2 February 2014

MailTime 1

Hey snowys!  I said yesterday I was starting mailtime so here I am! I got 7 Gifts so thanks everyone :) And I'm really excited about 1 particular gift, you'll see why :)

Gift 1: Is frommm: harlowpenguinswimmer  You see her down there, next to dat lil gift box?

Right so the actual gift? Here it is down below!

That is 'Love Struck' - A room item x
Thank you Harlowpenguinswimmer !!-
Its a cute lil heart xD
Gift 2 is from: birthsignbabe  my one almighty trustworthy friend xD
See? She gave me a PINK gift so tank- oo babe ^^ In her name people!!!
The gift issssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
BUNNY SLIPERS! -They were of my wishlist! Thanks so  much birthsignbabe  ! I have now completed my PJ's outfit or whatever you call PJ's O.o
^^ I got an eyepad too! Well I bought them other things...
Gift 3 is from:
Well gift 3 and 4 , are from my brother blueboyx1000x Lol thanks lil bro....
That ^^^^ Is gift 3, of my wishlist, so thanks so much its really cool! Oh yea its called 'Duffle & Dress' And its a 'Duffle & Dress' Lol...
This is also of my wishlist from my bro.. They are 'Hippy Hipsters New' and I keep seeing gals wear them and I liked them so Im like- 'I want them x-o!'
So thanks brother for them gifts!
Gift 5 is from Katie Kay x
And when you see them... Omigosh!
I got the one and only. RARE. Princess Toes!!!! Thankyou so much Katie I love them a lot!
They're blooo toooo! YAY
Gift 6 Is from  bestfreinds

Thankyou bestfreinds !
'Dress of the Dead' Is so cool! I would of never had it if you never gifted it :)
Ill try to wear it, you know start mixing and matching ;p
Gift 7 is from... My brother again.. blueboyx1000x

Yea I Put that ^^^^^^^^
On my wishlist for no random reason, but he bought it.. Thanks anyways bruf
I Guess that was ma first mailtime everrrrr, and it was so fun to do!
Thanks to everyone who contributed and all.. All people that contribute don't just
get to be on this blog, but Im going to make a shoutout artbook  on
Go check it out if you haven't already!:)
Lots of snowflakes -CC

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Crayon people, Nerd Glasses and MORE sleepovers

Hey snowflakez, sooo been on msp again like always.... I completed my crayon outfit and I feel like showing you guyssss... >.< ooo I know one of them with VAMPIRE teeth!!! Look: >,.,<  haha- Oh ya the crayon outfit!

Yup Ima RED Crayola crayon So don't dis me ^^^^^^  HAHAHAHAHA..... Yea im boredddd....

Ok so next, you might have seen the nerd glasses in the shop for 1000 sc- They were rare before, and they could go anytime, so gooooooo buy them (If your richy kinda I dunno) Ok so heres a pic of them

Ma sleepover was fun though...We ate ice cweam!
Oh yea lil snowys -CC

Rares, and MailTime

Heyyyy Lil snowwyys! So haven't posted in a while, not sure if anyone reads, but its fun writing anyways :3

Right so rares... MSP love em right? Yaaa and now I do too! Cos I got 4 x Ive got Purple Ptoes, white flower, orange n white top, and black and white tattoo.. They're really cool, litteraully!
Can't post pics ie: cant be bothered! Sowwy... So don't give people greetings etc for one! Some times there just giveaways like I got ma princess toes for an auto! That's it! And my top? FREE! So yaaaa

Next, Im gonna start doing mailtime but on this blog, not youtube! Im not exactly aloud on youtube yet -_-.. But yea start sending gifts soo I can thank you all day! xD

Who likes the new theme? Astrolicious.... lol, my birth sign is sagatarius, December I think. But yea still cool. The sagatarius animatition is funnneh!

Short post sowwy... Bye snowflakes!